Thank you for your interest in our online shop.
The person responsible for data processing on this website is:
MagicshineLights | Arno Höfner | Hauptstrasse 31 | 54424 Thalfang | Germany |
The protection of your privacy is very important to us.
In the following we will inform you in detail about how we handle your data.
You can visit our website without giving any personal information. Each time a website is called up, the web server only automatically saves a so-called server log file. The website provider automatically collects and stores information in the server log file that your browser automatically transmits to us. These are: referrer (previously visited website) requested website or file browser type and browser version used operating system used device type time of access IP address in anonymized form (is only used to determine the location of access) This data is not merged with other data sources. The basis for data processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR, which allows the processing of data to fulfill a contract or pre-contractual measures. This access data is evaluated exclusively for the purpose of ensuring trouble-free operation of the site and improving our offer. According to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f GDPR to safeguard our predominantly legitimate interests in the correct presentation of our offer. All access data will be deleted no later than seven days after the end of your visit to the website.
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We look forward to helping you with any questions.
Possible payment methods: Paypal, bank transfer, cash on delivery, credit card
You can find us here:
Hauptstr. 31, 54424 Thalfang, Germany