Über den USB Anschluss lädt der Akku an jeder verfügbaren Schnittstelle mittels beiliegendem USB Kabel. Parallel zum Lampenbetrieb verbindest du über den Micro USB Port weitere Geräte (Handy/Navi...). Möchtest du den Akku rein als Powerbank nutzen, entfernst du auf Knopfdruck das Lampenkabel und wandelst den Akku in ein handliches Hosentaschenformat um. Powerbank Akkus bieten sogar noch mehr. Grüne LEDs signalisieren dir auf Knopfdruck wie viel Energie gerade in deinem Akku steckt.
Magicshine Powerbank Akkus - smart, safe, flexibel.
MJ6118 Powerbank passend für: MJ 900/B/S, 902/B/S, 906/B/S, MOH 55, Monteer 5000S, 6500S, 8000S, MJ872, MJ879, MJ816, MJ808, MJ856.
MJ6112, MJ6116, 6116C Powerbank passend für: MJ 900/B/S, 902/B/S, 906/B/S, MOH 55, MJ872, MJ879, MJ816, MJ808, MJ856.
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The USB port charges the battery at any available interface using the included USB cable. Parallel to the lamp operation, you can connect other devices (mobile phone/navi...) via the micro USB port. If you want to use the battery purely as a powerbank, you can remove the lamp cable at the touch of a button and convert the battery into a handy pocket size. Powerbank batteries offer even more. Green LEDs show you at the push of a button how much energy is currently in your battery.
Magicshine Powerbank batteries - smart, safe, flexible.
MJ6118 Powerbank suitable for: MJ 900/B/S, 902/B/S, 906/B/S, MOH 55, Monteer 5000S, 6500S, 8000S, MJ872, MJ879, MJ816, MJ808, MJ856.
Hauptstr. 31, 54424 Thalfang, Germany
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